Where are we? First, we are in a beautiful place and second, we are close
to more beautiful places! La Novellina is located near the town of Chiavari
and Lavagna, the beaches of the Gulf Paradiso, Sestri Levante and the
beautiful Portofino. However, these locations are only is regard to the coastal
area! Nearby, Val Fontanabuona is wonderful with excellent hiking trails in the
nearby mountains. If you travel west, ina little less than one half hour, Genoa
offers one of the largest historic centers in Europe including the infamous alleys.

Agriturismo "La Novellina" via Canivella 4 - 16044 Cicagna (GE)

tel. 0185.971675 - cell. 333.3452041 - e-mail info@agriturismolanovellina.it